This morning I wanted more than yogurt and granola for breakfast. I wanted "eggs" So I made a tofu scramble. I sauteed onions, garlic, mushrooms and peppers. I then added some medium tofu. I let this cook for 4-5 minutes and then added about 2 tablespoons of nutritional yeast to it.
I served it with some of my homemade oatmeal,/flax bread and a glass of milk. Oh yes and that is ketchup in the corner.......I have to have ketchup with my "eggs"
Nooch (slang for nutritional yeast) is an inactive yeast made from sugar cane and beet molasses. It comes in flake or powder form and gives a sort of nutty, cheesy flavour. Quite nice actually. It is one of the few vegetarian sources of B12. It is very high in protein actually it is a complete protein. It also contains 15 minerals. If you haven't tried Nooch yet, you should!
You can sprinkle it on popcorn, pizza, veggies, mix it into sauces, soups, mashed potatoes, make a "cheese" with it. Endless possibilities really. tastes good and is good for me?!? Cool